Audit reports 2011
Reports from the Swedish NAO Performance Audit Department.
Browse Audit Reports/summaries (by publishing year)
Audit Reports/Summaries 2011
- Efforts abroad to mitigate climate change – the Central Government’s acquisitions of CDM and JI credits (full report)
- Are higher education institutions making efficient use of their resources?
- Dealing with criminal cases efficiently
- Stabilisation Fund (full report)
- Victims of Crime – Government Agencies and Their Handling of Financial Compensation Due to Crime
- Co-financing of central government infrastructure
- Green public procurement- is management effectively helping to achieve the climate objective?
- What happened with suspected benefit crimes?
- Application of the fiscal policy framework
- IT Support in the Judicial Chain
- Correct information at the right time in healthcare and nursing – collaboration without effect?
- Coordination of aid for children and young people with functional impairments
- The Bothnia Line and the railway along the Norrland coast
- Equal grades, equal ability?
- Government Agencies’ export of services
- Government initiatives for graduates with a non-Swedish education
- Biofuels for a Better Climate – How does the tax relief work? (full report)
- The Productivity of the Swedish Transport Administrations
- Unused research grants at universities and university colleges
- Seasonally unemployed and unemployment insurance
- Maintaining Financial Stability in Sweden - Experiences from the Swedish banks' expansion in the Baltics (full report)
- IT in public administration - have government agencies made reasonable assessments of whether outsourcing contributes to increased efficiency?
- Public IT-projects overspend
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